Sunday, March 13, 2011

The Surecratic Theory and Its Application(s) Of ' Politeia Surecratia ' Model(s) To Resolve The Problems Of Governance By Islamic Fundamentalism .. !

Upon inspiring the Islamic Early History in Governance by simple surecracy, during the time Of The prophet and his four wise Califs Abu-Baker, Omar, Uthman and Ali; and following our careful Surecratic Analysis to the problems of the split that had happened thereafter among the follower Islamic Fundamentalists whom misinterpret it thereafter until nowadays; it appeared very important to highlight the following facts - among Ula ma - regarding Islamic Governance:

1. The Conceptual Foundation in Islamic Governing is actually based upon ' Al-Shura الشورى ' i.e The Resultant Outcome(s) of ' Mutual Counseling ' among people where Ijtihad إجتهاد among Religion (Qur'an* and Hadith) , Philosophy and Science in integration(s) - in the human ' Open Cycle Of Knowledge' - may occur ..
2. It involves the individual(s), the micro- and the macro-society representing any Islamic nation.
3.Al-Shura Enforcement and/or Application حكم الشورى
Islamic Fundamentalists ( Radicalists, Revivalist and Reformist ) split in their Jurisprudence of ( Ulama in Feqhi ) in between two opposite judgements / opinions (1):

3.1. It is a must فرض واجبWhere Mazhab Abi-Hanifa أبى حنيفة and Malikeyah المالكية and correct says of Al-Shafihi الشافعى قول صحيح as well as Nawawi النووى, Iben Atyah إبن عطية , Ibn-Khwiz إبن خويز and Al-Razzy الرازى and by reference to Qu'ran Al-Imran (Chapter 2) / Verse 159 : وأمرهم شورى بينهم where this Ayah has an order to do it as there is nothing theologically and intellectually circumstantial to forbid Al-Shura.

3.2. Shura is not mandatory upon the governor (Khalifha)
الشورى ليست فرض واجب - بل ندب عليها
where such an opinion of Fundamentalists Ulama including Salafiah السلفية و لقول نسب إلى قتادة و إبن إسحاٌق والشافعى وإبن حزم والربيع وإبن القيم حيث رجحه إبن حجر أيضاsupported by Qiyas القياس الفقهى to Ra soul Allah whom was not obliged - in any clear verse addressed to him in Qu'ran - to be mutually counselling / Al-Shura; the same those scholars references accordingly to their Al- Qiyas to the Islamic Governor of the state because he has both - in their opinion - the religious and the political powers, being given to rule his nation.. but here the critics; in such an interpretation, there no reasonable grounds of comparison in between the capabilities of the prophet (supported by Al-Wahi الوحى ) compared to another average human being; positioned as a Governor anywhere ..!

Accordingly; within such a historical recorded uni-dimensional approach with its highlighted given information and/or observations; This Islamic Fundamentalists' System Of Thoughts seemed to have been factually falling into its own troubles, oscillating in between working with Al-Shura or not; or supporting it - at all the society levels widely - by the majority of the governors across our history. This matter obviously brought conflicts in the opinion(s) of Fundamentalism regarding the subject matter of ' how to best govern people?' ; where we also observed - as Surecrats - such a recorded significant oscillations and/or instable fluctuations among the mentioned opinions of Ulamah and the researchers; where it appears the fact(s) that many Islamic governors and/or governments worked mostly - in reality -according to this second radical fundamentalists' opinion - mentioned above - by autocratic enforcement such as " Kingdom(s) monarchy : such as Saudi- Arabia , Jordan , Morocco kingdoms or by the questionable enforcement of " Authoritarian Oppressive Dictatorships " as the case of Most of the Middle East governments in our modern history till nowadays ;as the case of Egypt, Syria, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria,Yemen, Bahrain ..etc; where if even Al-shura Majlis appears floating on the surface of the water stream of governing; its opinion can still be rejected by such dictating governor(s) and royal king(s) .. There were here alot of recorded historical troubles; where our people seem to be lost in between ' Fundamentalism ' and ' Secular Democracy ' mixed with ' Autocracy ' as their trial and error political experiments - across our history - since the four wise khalifs ages had been passed away shortly and until nowadays of our questionable ' Islamic Modern History Of Governing' ..!

In search for a ' Surecratic Realistic Justified Solution(s) ' for such a serious ' -ism ' problem that splits the ' Islamic Societies ' and the governing within ' Our Nations ' across human history; Surecracy and its pioneer founder(s) have worked to find out an Integro-dynamic Political System Design(s) supported by a moderate religio-political and socio-cultural moderation in our problem solving philosophic surecratic approach and our scientific resolution.. And thereafter - in light of the Surecratic Theory / Our ' Islamic Theory Of Action, Interaction and Reaction ' ; Surecracy have taken the innovation of creatively founding out its unique needed governing model for people: leading to ' Politeia Surecratia Model ' i.e " The Surecratic Polity Model(s) " with its profoundly diverse, interactive, balanced and integrated mechanisms which are working justly, in moderation and in harmony with the right developed process of governing ..

Thus, Surecracy introduced these efficient mechanisms - within such a sociopolitical governing process - of ' Politeia Surecratia ' which can be shortly summarized as following:

1. The Surecratic Polity Spontaneous Chain Reaction Mechanism(s).
2. The Negative Loop Feedback Mechanism(s).
3. The Competition Mechanism(s).

where Surecracy combines - in lights of its Surecratic Theory { The Metaparaphysics Philosophic Theory (TMPT ) } - such a unique, check point balanced governing process(es) that dynamically develop and interactively act in its desired moderation; standing thus - with our resolution - in between both such Fundamentalists' approaches / Ijtihad in one side and the Secular Democracy on the other side where these notes might be recorded:
1. If The Governor, his office and his party representing the majority of the parliament of people; work justly, in efficiency for realizing the best interests of his own people; then he significantly reduces - in fact - the probability of facing governing conflicts within such a socio-political , economic ..etc. process of Polity as securing its right decisions; here the Surecratic Mutual counsels / Senates will be just the watching lions' eyes and/or the evaluators with minimum need for Al-Shura with its emergency interactions to stop the governor / parliament irrelevant decision.
2. If the Governor with his government and/or his party controlling the Parliament power(s) - controlling the country's leading decision(s) via the government office, the parliament of people ' Majlis Al-Shahb ' - ignored enforcing the proper and wise measures of Al-Shura ( Surecracy) to fall down thereafter into a wrongful decision(s), endangering his nation - in crisis - then a serious ' Power Of Veto ' from the Senates ( Surecratic Mutual Counselors) will certainly enforce the autocratic Governor to mutually consult again by surecracy; review - by significant and intensified search for the best opinions - of others in order to act for correcting this problem(s) in question .. but here such an occurring socio-political negative situation will significantly induce maximum / Optimum peaceful Interactions among government, people and Surecracy within such a fast integro-dynamic developing process(es).

In Conclusion; Our Surecratic Polity System of Governing and/or Model certainly allows both opinions and/or interactions - mentioned above - to moderately work altogether between Parliament / office and Surecratic Mutual Counsels ( Elected Senates); thus reducing the possible conflicts within such a socio-political developing environment where the governor can have a minimal need for Al-Shura - if being just - to rule the country .. But If the governor unjustly dictates his parliament and his people taking his contradictory bad decision(s) against the best interests of our people then an increase in mutual counseling will be enforced to review and re-correct the political action(s) - in crisis - due to the Surecratic Polity Mechanisms and the Vito of Majlis Al-Shura (Senates) which if repeated Veto for the second time - against the same matter / issue occurs - it will certainly result into taking back this decision whole matter from the hands of the governor and/or his party of majority in the parliament; to take it back to all the people within the said society through a referendum process where the highest level of interactions, interference of our people will occur peacefully - via Surecracy and Polity / Al-Shura - to protect the best interests of people where no protests here or no violence or no bloody killings of people is needed and/or must happen to induce these needed socio-political , economic, social justice , religio-cultural changes and/or reforms on time ..!!

Author: Sherif Abdel-Kerim,
Founder Of The International Surecratic Movement ,
Calgary, Alberta, Canada - Copyright 2011.


* سورة البقرةالآيات 30-32 سورة الشورى الاية 38

سورة آلعمران الآية 159 سورة الصافات الآية 102


1. Dr. Ali Muhammad As-Sallaby

Shura : p 104-105

Iqraa Publishing, Distribution and Translation Corp. Cairo 2010.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

The First Surecratic Review of ' -isms' ..!

A Surecratic Analysis Regarding The By-product(s) Of Democratic Capitalism..!

Upon observing the a negative side(s) of Democratic Capitalism; it can be significantly concluded - by simple logical analysis - that the following by-products that relate to the described ideologies below; carrying such questionable ' -ism(s)' as direct and/or indirect by-products of Democracy and Democratic Capitalism; being presented as following:
1. Democratic Fascism is a byproduct of Democratic Capitalism and a reactionary by-product to Democratic Communism.
2. Democratic Zionism is a by-product of Democratic Capitalism, Imperialism and Fascism ..
3. Democratic Communism with its monopolism / monopoly is a direct reactionary by-product Of Democratic Capitalism mixed with Democracy in the form of a monopolistic party secular organization.
4. Social Democracy and Democratic Socialism are the direct by-products of Democratic Capitalism and Democratic Communism ..!
5. Democratic feminism is also a direct byproduct of Democratic Capitalism whether radical feminism, black feminism, Socialists feminism (byproduct of socialism) , third world feminism (direct byproduct of 3rd world democracy)..etc.
6. Nationalism and Racism is a direct byproduct of Democratic Capitalism and Materialism.
7. Anarchism is reactionary indirect by-product to Communism and to Democratic Capitalism.
8. Ecologism and Environmentalism are direct by-products of Democratic Capitalism in race cold war race with Democratic Communism-Socialism and its intensified competing industrial influences to imbalance/damage the natural ecology system(s) and pollute the environment upon our planet the earth.
9. Fundamentalism is a reactionary direct by-product of Secular Democracy, Democratic Capitalism, Democratic Communism-Socialism and Democratic Imperialism associated with wars.
Surecracy can not be related to any of these above mentioned by-products, but it directly relates itself - as a unique interactive moralo-psycho-intellectual knowledge and/or existence resulting from the process(es) of an Open Model Of Thinking and Of Believing that combine(s) the belief in the true Descending Messiah of Monotheism and its prophecy-messengers in relation to it. It is capable to establish its own foundation upon integral knowing / information and dynamic interpretation(s) of science, philosophy and religion(s) where both the human intellectual conscienceness / thinking may interact in an equivalent balance with the human psycho-moral conscienceness / feelings and believing with faith in order to create the needed moralo-psycho-intellectual balance(s), harmony and even a state of happiness for man, which support the development in human knowledge and stabilize the civilized peaceful behavior(s) of man and people .. Surecracy is actually the sole unique contemporary political human ideology that is not a by-product of any Democratic ' -isms ' but it is a pure resultant by-product of Monotheism, founded and/or ended in light(s) of Islam as a universal monotheistic religion; interacting with various types of knowledge as well as with the physical world and the meta-paraphysical existence / knowledge in depth ..!
Author: Sherif abdel-Kerim
Founder Of The International Surecratic Movement (ISM International)
Calgary, Alberta, Canada. - Copyright (C) 2008.
Please Refer to our other blog at for more detailed information regarding Surecracy versus Democracy ..etc.

Welcome To Surecracy and To Join The International Surecratic Movement

A new wave came to take humanity - from the darkness of '-isms ' ideologies - into the clarity and the transparency in human knowledge through the glorious essence of Surecracy; where the foundation of such an empowering contemporary political and ideological movement ISM International has been initiated - by a light spark - for igniting , with a powerful momentum every human being with a new knowledge .. Surecracy will definitely help every man and every woman to discover the best values and capabilities in themselves; and to further cooperate under their one belief in surecracy - gathering all of us - with the unlimited potentials and the enormous flexibility in intellectual open model of thinking and normal psychomoral believing because of surecracy ; giving - any of us - such a wide space to move and to learn as well as the capability to freely act, interact and to react for further redevelopment with such an open cycle knowledge, based upon our relevant, logical acceptable and balanced pyscho-moral approach and supported with the surecratic norms .. We need you to grow up further as an independent individual(s) in thinking and believing; to grow with us - as people working together- representing the grass roots of such a needed educational active movement in a new wave .. Surecracy will certainly help not only you but also all of us with such an illusion for better knowledge towards Wise judgement . Surecracy will minimize any imposed possible and/or any existent human factor of ignorance every time you come closer to it .. Surecracy is simply the ideology of knowing better, wisely judging, creating the needed unique balance in every individual - joining us - to be dynamically redeveloping within its humanitarian mission .. So with our warm honest welcome to every reader and researcher we like to ask you: Why don't you subscribe with us as a new added member in such an informative educational movement? and Why don't you kindly help us as a movement to transfer Surecratic word of mouth to you people ? .. Again, Welcome to join the International Surecratic Movement as a member and to Surecracy as the most capable human ideology ..
The International Surecratic Movement (ISM International)
Headquarter Office: Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
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For more detailed information and reviews updated visit our interrelated blogs as each deals with somewhat different subject categories .. thank you .. Sherif Abdel-Kerim